Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review 10a

For this peer review, I decided to look at Joshua Smith's content outline. For his college essay, he decided to write about the issue with fracking, a technique used to extract natural gas from the earth.

  • In my review, I decided to discuss his use of evidence, which was very prevalent in his outline. He also explained the rhetorical strategies used in each article. However, I felt that he did not provide enough detail within the outline. He just put each example in the outline without explaining why it worked.
  • I think that adding more information, even if it is just for himself, will help move the production process along. The sparse detail now will only make it harder later to produce viable content. 
  • I used my own personal experiences as well as the feedback that Professor Bottai gave me on my own content outline for the last project. As Bottai said last time, the more you can outline and put down now, the less work you will have in the future.
  • I think that his use of evidence is very impressive. I feel that I could include more evidence myself as it can only make my argument stronger.

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