Thursday, March 10, 2016

Reflection on publishing in the Environmental Field

This week was focused on writing down our ideas and getting organized. It really was the start of project two, and it was really important to the sublimation of content. I unfortunately had a late start due to illness, but I have finally caught up.
  • What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    • I felt that I was really successful this week with creating my content outline. It has all of my information and ideas on it, and will be incredibly helpful when it comes to writing my actual essay. The coggle that I created was very detailed and impressive, if I do say so myself.
  • What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
    • Due to illness, I was set back a bit. and had to play catch up. I think this may have affected the through-ness of my outline. Although my evidence is clearly shown, the importance isn't the most obvious. I also still feel slightly confused about what we are proving, other than what genres are typically published in our field.
  • How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
    • Since I have much more time next week, and am now caught up, I think that it will go rather smoothly. I am excited to start producing content, and I think it will come together rather quickly.
  • How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
    • I am confident in the content that I have produced so far, but I am slightly concerned about how to move further. I am slightly confused still about the goal for this project overall. I think, however, with a read through of the guidlines and rubric, I'll have a greater grasp on it.

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