Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peer Review 9a

For this post I peer reviewed another academic essay, which was really beneficial for discovering the thought processes of my peers and for learning how to improve my own essay.

  • Although I misunderstood the directions and performed all four of the activities, I would like to focus on the genre convention of organization. 
  • I suggested that he use fewer paragraphs because the current amount was rather overwhelming. Combining a few of his ideas would make the essay flow much easier, and significantly shorter. Both of these things would just put his essay on the next level.
  • I drew from the genre conventions that we discussed at the beginning of the semester, as well as the examples that were provided. I also drew from our conversation about rhetorical strategies from the beginning of project two.
  • The thing I took the most from his essay was the amount of specific detail and quotations he included. It was very impressive the amount of details he analyzed from a multitude of sources, and I plan to mirror that in my edits to my own essay.

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