Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 8a

For 8a I decided to develop my introductory paragraph, which can be the most important part of an essay. It can make the difference between an interactive, attention grabbing essay, and a dull essay that the reader puts down immediately.

Outline Item 8a

"In the environmental and geographical fields, journals are where it is at. There are many highly regarded journals in the profession, like Applied Geography, which I covered in a previous post. To be published in a journal such as that would mean recognition and accomplishment, and more importantly leads to greater credibility of the author. In these journal articles, information and facts, things that appeal to the audience's sense of logos, are relayed in the vernacular of scientists and environmentalists alike. However, a new, more well known genre is coming into play: blog posts. These posts are quite a bit more accessible to a general audience, and would depend more heavily on appealing to the audience's sense of pathos. This genre brings the information to the people, but also plays on their emotions with triggering words."

Adaptation of Outline Item 8a

"In the environmental and geographical fields, journals are where it is at. There are many highly regarded journals in the profession, like Applied Geography, which I discovered in my interview with Ms. Borgias. To be published in a journal such as that would mean recognition and accomplishment, and more importantly leads to greater credibility of the author. In these journal articles, information and facts, things that appeal to the audience's sense of logos, are relayed in the vernacular of scientists and environmentalists alike.  In general, journals are pathways for environmental rhetoric to get to a very specific audience. However, a new, more well known genre is coming into play: blog posts. These posts are quite a bit more accessible to a general audience, and would depend more heavily on appealing to the audience's sense of pathos. This genre brings the information to the people, but also plays on their emotions with "bang" words, such as "disaster" or "terrible". Both genres provide information, but the blog post is great for connecting with a bigger audience."

Audience Questions for 8a

  1. An academic essay, the most normal of genres, can be incredibly boring to read. Not to mention that it is some what hard to find an engaging, well written one. That is why I decided to ensure, for this post, that my introductory paragraph had engaging language and important information pertaining to the body. However, the language still needed to be professional, in order to follow the conventions for an academic essay, so I refrained from imputing my opinion in an a more obvious way. I did not use any personal pronouns or anything of that sort.
  2. I found that producing this raw material was rather easy. When I wrote it I was definitely feeling pretty inspired, and the ideas were very easily flowing. However, I was having issues finding the exact words that were able to translate my thoughts. 

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