Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Content Outline

Opening section:
In the environmental and geographical fields, journals are where it is at. There are many highly regarded journals in the profession, like Applied Geography, which I covered in a previous post. To be published in a journal such as that would mean recognition and accomplishment, and more importantly leads to greater credibility of the author. In these journal articles, information and facts, things that appeal to the audience's sense of logos, are relayed in the vernacular of scientists and environmentalists alike. However, a new, more well known genre is coming into play: blog posts. These posts are quite a bit more accessible to a general audience, and would depend more heavily on appealing to the audience's sense of pathos. This genre brings the information to the people, but also plays on their emotions with triggering words.

Ideas for interest grabbers:
Discussion of recent environmental issue covered in both blogs and journals (Eye grabbing words like "Flint Water Scandal")
Inclusion of images from various blogs and environmental issues

Coggle for body sections

Closing Section:
Both genres clearly have their benefits. It truly depends on whom the audiences and who is writing the piece when deciding which genre is the way to publish research. Of course there are other genres, like documentaries and research papers, but these two are the most prime examples of rhetoric in the environmental community. Each genre also gives access to different types of audiences, especially the blog posting, which in turn will make us more aware of our environmental impact.

1 comment:

  1. Gabby- this outline looks for great!!!

    Food for thought
    I love how specific you are about which rhetorical concepts you'll focus on for the "Journal Article" genre... (Credibility-based appeals, Author, Logical appeals and audience). With such solid planning here, you have so much more flexibility in making the project. I'd encourage you (and I think you're already doing this) to zero in on really specific kinds of appeals for credibility and logical from those bulleted lists in the Student's Guide.... This will focus your analysis as you go...
