Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Pronouns

Marc Palm, "They Live poster Marc Palm" via 04/07/2010
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDervis 2.0 Generic

There are distinctive differences in the pronouns I used versus which paragraph I was analyzing. For example, my third and second to last paragraphs are discussing Erin Brocovitch and Governor Jerry Brown and use the pronouns "Her" and "His", respectively.

It (The Controversy)
It (The Day)
They (The Workers)
It (The Leak)
It (The Leak)
Their (SoCalGas)
It (Aliso Canyon)
They (The Porter Ranch Community)
Their (Neighbors)
It (Roles in the Community)
Their (Members of the Families)
It (The Leaks)
Them (The Workers at SoCalGas)
They (SoCalGas)
They (SoCalGas)
It (Profit)
Their (SoCalGas)
Their (SoCalGas)
Their (SoCalGas)
They (SoCalGas)
Their (SoCalGas)
They (SoCalGas)
It (Developments)
They (SoCalGas)
Their (SoCalGas)
They (Residents of Porter Ranch)
They (Residents of Porter Ranch)
Them (Residents of Porter Ranch)
Their(Residents of Porter Ranch)
Her (Erin Brocovitch)
Her (Erin Brocovitch)
Her (Erin Brocovitch)
His (Jerry Brown)
His (Jerry Brown)
His (Jerry Brown)

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