Friday, February 26, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

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As one of my interviewees was an older professor, I did not expect to find him on much social media other than on perhaps LinkedIn, for job outreach and Wordpress. My other interview subject, who is a much younger graduate student, was much more likely to be on media sharing sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Sophia Borgias uses Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Dr. Carl Bauer, however, is not on many social media sites. As far as I could tell, he was not on any social media sites at all, actually. I could find him only on his faculty page and his website.
  • Except for Twitter, Sophia seems to use social media for personal purposes and for sharing content with close friends. Both of her Instagram and Facebook are restricted from public view. Her twitter, on the other hand, is mostly dedicated to sharing stories about recent environmental policy issues. Bauer's faculty website is only for sharing information about him, and links us to his website which discusses his accomplishments and past work experiences.
  • Bauer's internet present reflects the academic professionalism that comes across in his journal article and book. On the other hand, Sophia's social media presence it more dedicated to her personal experiences, not necessarily her professional ones.

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