Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Peer Review 15

This peer review was for Olivia Sandhu. I looked at her Editorial Report 15a and decided to make a content suggestion.

  1. I suggested that she add more anecdotal evidence to her paragraphs because it felt rather unconvincing without academic examples of procrastination.
  2. I think adding this evidence with make the entire essay seem a bit more reflective as she would be truly examining her past writing experiences.
  3. I really enjoyed her tone, and I think I could implement a bit more character into my QRG as she did.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

For this blog post, I decided to look as the first section, "Who Was I as a Writer" and re-edit it to flow easier and make more sense.
Raw Content:
This quote was taken from a blog post I wrote at the very beginning of the semester. Even then, I was quite aware of my tendency to put off tasks until the last minute.
The issue of plagiarism has plagued me ever since I was a very small child (I even waited to be born until two weeks after the due date). Every time a large assignment would arise, I would put it off until the very last possible minute.
Science projects, essays, you name it, I could procrastinate on it. It would cause me much stress that I would be tears, but then I would do it all over again for the next project. Talk about the definition of insanity.
Yet, if I look back on all the grades I received for my tears and angst, I would see a high amount of positive comments and high grades. If this is what my procrastination produces, why stop?

Re-edited Content:

This quote was taken from a blog post I wrote at the very beginning of the semester. Even then, I was quite aware of my tendency to put off tasks until the last minute.
The issue of plagiarism has plagued me ever since I was a very small child (I even waited to be born until two weeks after the due date). Every time a large assignment would arise, I would put it off until the very last possible minute. I could never seem to get over the procrastination hump, even thorough high school when the pressure mounted in high school.
Science projects, essays, you name it, I could procrastinate on it. Even for my final senior project, a 10 page paper and presentation on food production in my home town. It would cause me much stress that I would be tears, but then I would do it all over again for the next project. Talk about the definition of insanity.
  1. I decided to provide more anecdotal evidence, such as the example of my senior project, because I felt that it would not only fill out the paragraph, but also make my reflection more convincing.
  2.  I combined the multiple paragraphs because I felt that the information was more connected than separate.

Editorial Report 15a

For this editorial report, I decided to redo the introduction of my QRG, as someone suggested that I should make it less argumentative and more reflective.

Raw Content:
Procrastination. It might as well be the common cold, because everyone gets it, especially around the end of the semester! There is no student or worker that hasn’t been affected by this terrible disease, myself included. Even now, as I write this paragraph full of metaphors about terrible illnesses, I pause for a few seconds in between to watch a video or check Facebook. Missed deadlines, failed papers, and low grades are all possible symptoms, but there can be an argument made that, like the chicken pox, it is a necessary process to undergo in order to produce quality work later in life. People who procrastinate are not lazy, they’re optimizing their process.

Re-Edited Section:
Procrastination. It might as well be the common cold, because everyone gets it, especially around the end of the semester! Every student at this university is familiar with this issue. Even now, as I write this introductory paragraph full of metaphors about terrible illnesses, I continue to pause for a few seconds in between sentences to watch a video or check Facebook.

As I expand upon later, it would seem that I failed to change my ways. I continued to procrastinate throughout the semester, and couldn't curb my habit. But I don't think that this should be considered a failure. The fact that I continued to procrastinate, but was still able to work around it and in fact accept my tendency to procrastinate, was a success.
  1. I decided to change the language in the two paragraphs because an earlier comment had said that the metaphor I had used seemed force. I left the first paragraph essentially the same, but left the metaphor in the second paragraph.
  2. The re-edited section is a bit longer than the raw content. I also split the paragraph into two, as I felt that the introduction would flow easier.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Here is my QRG. I decided to focus on a specific part of my process, procrastination, because it was the one thing that stayed consistant throughout the course. I also decided to look at the idea of positive procrastination through a larger lense by doing research on different studies on the subject.

  1. I would like make sure that my reviewers understand that I am not only reflecting on my writing process and the semester, but also making an argument about the value of procrastination.
  2. I think that some of the phrasing may be a bit awkward, especially towards the end, and I am a bit unsure of my inclusion of images. Do you think that it is too much or too little?
  3. I think I followed the conventions of QRG very well; I have many different sections and pictures as well as multiple links to various studies and sites.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review 14

For this week I decided to peer review Marvin Chaires's production schedule. His schedule had a huge amount of detail that I really admire.

  1.  I decided to make a resource suggestion and offer advice about where he could complete the editing parts of his production schedule.
  2.  I've personally found that only being in one place while editing severely limits the amount of inspiration I get to tell the narrative with sound effects and music.
  3.  However, his attention to detail in the schedule is something I feel that I can really emulate in my own schedule.

Production Report 14b

For this production report, I decided to compare the second section, "who am I as a writer" with the page from my QRG.

Raw Content versus Adaptation of Raw Content

  1.  For the final project I used the genre of QRG. For this specific section, I used a header, as well as images to help separate out the information I provided in the outline.
  2. I was having issues completing this section because I couldn't figure out how to phrase certain things, specifically how my process has changed.