Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Writing Process

Anonymous, "Procrastination, Srsly!" 02/17/12 via
Public Domain Dedication

  • What type(s) of writer do you consider yourself to be?
    • I would consider myself to be a combination of a procrastinator and a heavy reviser. I find it much easier to develop my ideas as I write, adding onto whatever I last put down as I go. I find it much more freeing and I am more able to provide thought provoking and intelligent arguments. However, I also often fall victim to procrastination, putting off projects until the last minute. Though the added pressure makes me much more productive, completing the assignment in a single sitting, rather than multiple sittings, which often leads to incoherent ideas and incomplete arguments
  • Does your writing process include several of the above approaches? If so, which ones?
    • Writing and revising only one draft allows me to see the ideas I've already put down, but also allows me to rewrite other ideas in context. In a sense, I can see what other ideas may work with the other sentences already put in the paper. Also, as I mentioned in the previous question, the added pressure of procrastination limits the amount of time between writing sessions, which in turn makes sentences and idea flow much easier.
  • Does your writing process seem successful? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your approach?
    • I think I often have difficulties expressing my ideas in writing, and my habit of procrastination sometimes gets out of hand. Transitioning from larger ideas, paragraph to paragraph, is quite difficult from me, and my process of revising leaves me at a disadvantage because I often fail to see my lack of coherent connection during the process. My habit of procrastination also can get out of hand, and as a result my work falls short of quality. 
  • Do you think it might be beneficial for you to try a different writing approach? Why or why not?
    • I am often frustrated with the results I receive on my papers, and I wish I was better able to transfer the numerous ideas I have in my head to the paper, but I never seem to be able to. I have attempted to change my writing process multiple times, in order to involve more planning and preparation, but I have yet to become less stuck in my ways. I think I have just yet to fully realize the full benefits of a different writing process.

1 comment:

  1. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
