Thursday, January 21, 2016

Investigating Genres: The Video Essay

dandy. "Youtube!" 2014 via Sketchport.
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  • What purpose does the genre usually serve?
    • This genre is used to inform and educate the audience on a specific topic that is usually very recent or relevant. The topic can vary from scientific, like a discussion the the recent Ebola epidemic, to social, such as new wave feminism and it's implications, to the political, like the very interesting comments of the new republican candidate Donald Trump.
  • Where, how or in what context do readers usually find this genre?
    • Video essays are usually originally posted on video/content sharing websites such as Youtube or Tumblr.
  • What is the typical audience of this genre?
    • Usually, the audiences on these content sharing site are a much younger generation looking for entertainment. However, when it comes to these specific videos, they are usually observed by students in academia, or people particularly interested in that certain issue or subject. 
  • What are some of the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?
    • This genre uses both audio and visual effects in order to present the issue/ argument in a clearer and interesting light. A simple text or essay does not provide the audio or visual aspect, and a podcast can be hard to follow with only descriptors.
  • Based on your answers to the previous questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre.
    • A video essay is a way to present modern issues or topical arguments through multiple tactics, such as both audio and images. This genre is much more inclusive and interactive then other genres.
EDIT: After reading through the blogs of my various classmates, I realized that the although I have much knowledge of video essays, I have failed to do the research on the other genres. Their posts, however, provided me with insight into the other genres in concise and informative ways. Specifically, Jason Boely's post on podcasts, and Brady Thomas's post on quick reference guides.


  1. Good take on what a video essay is. However, I do think the audience can be a little larger than just the younger generation as many middle aged people also use Youtube frequently and stumble over these type of videos. Nevertheless you had a good description of what the video essay does.

  2. The first thing that I want to comment is that it's quite ironic that you are using a quick-reference guide to explain quick-reference guides! I found that ironic, funnier than it should have been. But you did a really good job answering each proposed question directly and fully, not rounding out the question. Video essays are relatively new to me, so I'm not knowledgeable on the topic, but I think you presented it in a clear way as to which I can comprehend.

  3. I chose to do research on the video essay as well because I was not familiar with this genre at all. You did a great job on describing what exactly a video essay is and where it can be found. However, I found that video essays can be found most often on blogs and can be made and watched by people of any age!

  4. Your research displays you have a good understanding of the video essay. I can relate to the idea that videos are used to relay information concisely and effectively.

  5. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
