Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of General Sources

Esrever, "File:National Public Radio Logo.svg" 12/01/2007 via
Public Dedication Domain License
NPR is a great and reliable source that I have depended on it as a source for many of my research projects. Although some consider it to be rather biased and too left sided, the scholars that are interviewed on the site are very practiced in their fields and all of the information provided is relevant and recent. The other source I used, on the other hand, is a more popular website, that uses language that is more the "vernacular of the people". The information given is  definitely more of a commentary on the situation, rather than the source for new and relevant details.

  • The URL of the NPR site ends in a .org while the other site ends in .com, which officially means that it is a for profit website. A website that ends in .org is a not for profit organization. The information provided on and .org website is less biased than on a .com website because they do not get profit from promoting specific people or companies. However, information on both websites can be valuable if taken with a grain of salt.
  • The author on the NPR site is Tom Huizenga, a well known author for NPR who has covered a variety of stories. His qualifications are off the charts. The author on theguardian is Louise Osborne, who writes on all the Germany related news for the site. She does not specialize in the arts like the other author which can make her less reliable than the other author.
  • The article on the NPR site was last updated on July 7th, 2015 while the other article was updated May 11th, 2015, which implies that that article is already missing updates with relevant information. There aren't any links on either article that indicates that it has been updated recently anyway. 
  • Each article wishes to inform about the controversy in picking the new conductor of the Berlin Philharmonia mid-last year and the choices that went into picking him. The NPR article, unfortunately, is an interview of one of the orchestra members who is biased towards one of candidates.
  • The NPR article uses multiple videos and a few pictures to demonstrate the skills of the candidate it is supporting. Thegurdian, on the other hand, has only one graphic, which is of the entire orchestra, which implies it is unbiased towards the entire election.
  • As I have stated earlier, the NPR article is quite a bit more biased than the other one. It is just an unfortunate circumstance as the article centers around an interview of one of the members of the orchestra.
  • Theguardian does not provide any future links, but the NPR article provides a few related links at the bottom.

Considering Genre

microbiologybytes, "Video Camera Icon" 01/07/2015 via
Public Domain Dedication License
The video genre is a great tool to use while presenting information that requires both audio and visual information. There are many effective examples of this on youtube, all about a variety of subjects from the scientific to the pop culture based. A video essay, in my opinion, would be the best option for a controversy such as the election of the new conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic.

  • What genre are you going to commit to for Project 1? Why?
    • With a presentation on classical music, I feel like it is almost necessary to include an audio aspect in order to actually listen to what you are discussing. However, this controversy involves a lot of names and dates, which would require the video aspect in order to keep track of it all.
  • What genre conventions from your chosen genre are you planning on developing during next week's Production phase? What do you plan to do with the genre conventions that will help you accomplish the purpose of the project most effectively?
    • I definitely plan to cover the audio part of my project this week, as I plan to use narration in my video rather than directly filming myself. The rest of the project will be covered by using video editing software on my computer. I think using this will help me detangle this confusing controversy in a way that everyone can understand.
  •  How are you feeling about Project 1 going in to the Production phase? What challenges do you anticipate next week as you create content for the project?
    • I am really nervous my procrastination will get the best of me, as it did this week with deadline two. I am also really self conscious about recording myself talking, but I think I will be able overcome this in the next week. 

Cluster of Stakeholders

In my cluster, I decided to outline all of the important stakeholders in this controversy by their role. All of the potential new conductors were put on one side of the diagram, while those who have the ability to kick them out at any point (the orchestra members) are on the other side. The pre-existing conductor is on the other side, who is there mostly for informational purposes, as well as the spokesperson for the orchestra.

Reddit and What I Found There

AJC, "reddit" 11/16/2012 via
Public Domain Dedication License
The reddit for classical music is full of a lot of people looking to get back into playing classical music on instruments like trombone, trumpet, or viola. Another person had posted a piece she had created for small strings and then transposed for synthesizer. Others are looking for parts for specific classical pieces.
  • What kinds of things do people in the Reddit forums seem to be arguing about, debating, disagreeing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about? Give us a descriptive and clear sense of the kinds of stories you're seeing in the Reddit forums.
    • Under this thread, a lot of discussion is going on about the proper way to practice or how to return to playing after long years of absence. Another post was asking for a piece of Chinese music to implement in their repertoire. One very informative post discussed the importance of a conductor and the many ways the conductor can direct and move the orchestra. The post redirected to this website, which provided great visuals and examples. In a different thread, there was a lot of discussion about early pieces of music. For example, 700 year old choral piece that hadn't been sung once in those 700 years was up for discussion on it's genius writing.
  • In your opinion, what are the two most interesting debates/disagreements you found in the Reddit forums? Hyperlink us to the two different Reddit threads and explain why you found those debates interesting. Be specific and honest and be yourself. I don't want you to blah-blah-blah this. I want you to really engage.
    • Two threads that caught my eye were /r/orchestra and /r/earlymusicalnotation. One of the most interesting posts I found was a potential discussion about different university orchestras and the different things that have occurred amongst the members. There were no comments yet, but I genuinely feel that a very interesting and comparative discussion could open up. Another very interesting post I found was a link to a piece someone had composed called Journey Through the Woods. It is the best opportunity to find original pieces that were composed very recently; it's a great way to learn from your peers and get new ideas for your own pieces.
  • Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening in the Reddit forums? Were the people in those forums talking in ways you expected or did not expect, about things you anticipated they'd be talking about or things you had no idea they'd be discussing? Explain in concise specific detail.
    • After exploring various different threads, I've come to learn that a large part of the music industry are interested in collaborating and sharing new ideas with each other. It is very inspiring and good to know how supporting other people in my industry are. I wasn't expecting, however, there to be a lot of people who aren't very experienced but are looking to get into the business. 

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories

Elvis Galery "elvis-presley-elvis-presley-22316485-2250-2533" 02/10/2014 via
Public Domain Dedication License

Elvis Presley on TV: 10 Unforgettable Broadcasts
Elvis Presley was THE icon of the late 50's and early 60's. He changed the music industry; he added a sex appeal that had never been seen before. He was an innovator, yet many people, at the time, chose to see his performances as inappropriate and not suitable for the young audience who were watching. His unforgettable dance moves and beautiful voice will live on for decades, whether it be in infamy or not.
  • What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about? Explain concisely, but with specificity and precision. Name specific people, places, things, events, dates, times and/or other identifying details.
    • This article recalls specific instances in which Elvis Presley made appearances on television, beginning with his very first appearance on January 28th, 1956. His first national debut on a program called Stage Show, his content consisted of mostly cover songs and a few originals. The debut that threw him into the spotlight was his next national television spot on The Milton Berle Show, June 5th, 1956. It was his rather sexual dance moves during his song "Hound Dog" that made his name a famous, or infamous, house hold name. His later appearances, mostly all in 1956, only furthered his career, however, his performances in the 1970's marked his downfall from fame, mostly at the fault of drugs. Essentially, this is the story of his rise to fame through lewdness, and his fall through drugs and addiction.
  • Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why do they evoke feelings of sympathy from you?
    • Elvis is obviously written to be the character that invokes the most sympathy from the reader. As the main character, and the famous protagonist, the reader obviously wants to root for him. The trials and tribulations he went through in order to get to where he is, the death of his twin brother especially, definitely brought out my sympathetic side.
  • Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why can't you easily sympathize with them?
    • I don't really feel a specific person has been written to be villainous or not sympathetic. More like, the results of fame and the coping mechanisms the come along with it. Elvis's drug addiction clearly was the cause of his eventual fall from fame and death. In a sense, IT is the villain in this story.
Luff, Stephen "Bowie" 08/06/2014 via
Public Domain Dedication License
David Bowie Changed My Life
Another icon of the music industry, David Bowie was a man of many strange outfits and personalities. From his alter ego "Ziggy Stardust" to his generation effecting song "Hero's", Bowie brought a new edge to the music industry. His odd and "out there" personality started a new movement to be unique in an industry that demands conformity. He is an inspiration to not only other artists like Madonna and Lady Gaga, but also to any kid who feels left out or just needs someone to tell them it's okay to be different.
  • What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about? Explain concisely, but with specificity and precision. Name specific people, places, things, events, dates, times and/or other identifying details.
    • This article chronicles a young boy's discovery of David Bowie and his music. From his appearance on The Top of the Pops in 1972 to his face to face encounter with him around 1999, the author had stuck with Bowie through the good and bad (albums). The author argues that only a true fan like himself could have done that, claiming if he were to appear on a game show, his specialty would be "Lyrics of David Bowie 1969 to 1979". Not one negative thing is mentioned about the legend, the author does not even discuss the artist's death in early January. Instead, he chooses to focus on the positive effect he had on the author's life.
  • Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why do they evoke feelings of sympathy from you?
    • This is not a story full of sorrow; it is not to remember the life and times of David Bowie, or how and when he fell ill. However, it is still entirely possible to feel sympathetic to the happy and remembering feelings of the author.
  • Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why can't you easily sympathize with them?
    • I personally feel that David Bowie is the least sympathetic character in this story. Because the author is not discussing the life of Bowie per-say, there is no need to feel sympathy for his feelings. 

Twitter and What I Found There

aldern82, "Dallas Symphony Orchestra- The Musicians" 07/08/2007 via
Public Domain Dedication License
Music performance is not the most common major, least to say the most common twitter hashtag. Most of the feeds that I discovered and explored are for world famous orchestras such as the London Symphony or the Berlin Philharmonic. People are talking about #musicperformance in regards to performances of great and impressive orchestras, but also in regards to more popular artists and the concerts they give.

  • What kinds of things do people on Twitter seem to be talking about, debating, arguing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about? Give us a descriptive and clear sense of the kinds of stories you're seeing in these Twitter feeds.
    • When people engage in conversation about seeing an orchestra perform great works by Debussy and Tchaikovsky, they talk about the virtuosity of the first violins, of the beautiful tone of the french horns. They talk about the wonderful opportunity that has been bestowed upon them. The same goes for those who are discussing artists like Ed Sheeran or Lana Del Rey. These musicians have made a difference in so many lives, and their talent revels those like Joshua Bell and Itzak Pearlman, just in different genres
  • In your opinion, what are the two most interesting conversations or stories you found in the Twitter feeds? Hyperlink us to the two different Twitter feeds and explain why you found those conversations interesting. Be specific and honest and be yourself. I don't want you to blah-blah-blah this. I want you to really engage.

    • In the Berlin Philharmonic twitter feed, there are many links to "digital concerts" where even the average joe can tune in to see the wonderful symphony perform. However, the most interesting link I found was to the Berlin Philharmonic's article on Wilhem Furtwängler for his 130th birthday. It was great to be linked to such complete and thorough information. While looking in Ed Sheeran's feed, I found numerous links to Instagram posts showing a deeper and friendly side of him. The best posts I found, however, were a series of texts posts discussing the release of his television show, The Bastard Executioner. His earnest excitement only emphasizes the effect that he has on individual lives.

  • Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening on Twitter? Were the people in these feeds talking in ways you expected or did not expect, about things you anticipated they'd be talking about or things you had no idea they'd be discussing? Explain in concise specific detail.
    • My discipline is usually concerned with the fineness and beauty of classical music and orchestral playing. Much of the discussions talked about things not necessarily discernible to the average person. It all seemed rather "stuck up". However, in my opinion, it is entirely possible to enjoy both sides of the spectrum (Classical to Popular) without having to be entirely familiar with it. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

stratopaul, "David-Bowie-New-England-Music-News" 10/17/2007 via
Public Publication Dedication License

David Bowie Dies at 69; Star Transcended Music, Art and Fashion

We all remember David Bowie as one of our heros. From his song "Heros" to his persona as Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie provide inspiration and gave confidence to millions of outsiders and misfits. His collaboration with a multitude of genres has earned the admiration of ballet and broadway singers alike. His death earlier this month caused a lot of sorrow in the music community, however, he will continue to live on in our hearts and in tributes.

  •  Does there seem to be a "main character" or "protagonist" to the story? If so, who is it and how are they are the "center" of the story? If not, are there any important or central characters in the story at all? What role do they play?
    • There is no true "protagonist" in this story, however, the main focus is definitely attributed to David Bowie and his accomplishments. In this feature, David Bowie functions as a great hero that should be remembered not for his death of cancer, but for his awe-inspiring life and music. 
  • Where do the specific events in the story take place? Is there a specific setting? Describe the settings for the stories and how they influence the plot and characters.
    • This article does not contain a singular story that occurs at one time, on the contrary, it consists of many stories that occurred at many instances in the past. For example, the article discusses his role in Lazarus, which happened after his 1976 movie "The Man Who Fell From Earth". Right after, it discusses his album from 1971, that debuted his song "Changes".
  •  Is there any kind of disagreement or debate happening in the story? If so, who is participating, why are people debating and what seems to be at stake for the different characters in the story?
    • There doesn't seem to be any argument in the story, just remembering the life of an amazing musician, leader, and agent of change.
Couperus, Jitze "Pygmies of the Ituri Forest" 08/11/2011 via
Public Domain Dedication License

Deforestation Threatens Pygmies, Study Finds

The Pygmies are a population in Central Africa that have been persecuted for many generations. They are also believed to be the oldest population in Africa. Unfortunately, there is very little information and data on the Pygmies. We do know, however, that the deforestation of the African continent is not only segmenting their communities, but also effecting their way of life.
  • Does there seem to be a "main character" or "protagonist" to the story? If so, who is it and how are they are the "center" of the story? If not, are there any important or central characters in the story at all? What role do they play?
    • The main characters in this story are the Pygmy population, who are unfortunately victims of rampant deforestation. The deforestation puts the Pygmies in a situation where they cannot follow their hunter/gatherer way of life.
  • Where do the specific events in the story take place? Is there a specific setting? Describe the settings for the stories and how they influence the plot and characters.
    • This story takes place in Central Africa, more specifically around the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the time period is not very specific, more like the past few thousands of years. The persecution of the Pygmies is effected by the area; the Democratic of the Congo is especially known for it's extreme prejudices.
  • Is there any kind of disagreement or debate happening in the story? If so, who is participating, why are people debating and what seems to be at stake for the different characters in the story?
      • The Pygmies don't want their communities deforested or to be persecuted by the communities around them, yet these continue to be issues. The communities that are deforesting clearly have motive, most likely for profit, but is the happiness of the Pygmies worth less than the profits of everyone else?

    Sunday, January 24, 2016

    Course Projects

    Marlow, Will "Stage Fright [Explore]" 06/07/12 via
    Public Domain Dedication License
    • What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?
      • There seems to be a lot of undertaking in these projects, especially in both the podcast and video projects. I have very little experience in audio/ visual effects, and I tend to be a bit shy when it comes to recording myself. But I think these projects will help me gain both confidence and experience.
    • What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?
      • As I mentioned in the previous bullet point, I am nervous about the audio/ visual project. However, I think these projects will help me gain both confidence and experience. I also think they will help with my procrastination habit because of their structure and importance.
    • Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?
      • This course and the strict schedule limits the amount of procrastination that can be done during the projects. I must follow a strict schedule in order to get the maximum amount of points allowed for each project. Specifically, the audio visual projects that require equipment rental have such restrictions because you can only rent them at certain times.
    • How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?
      • My high school english courses have trained me to write great and informative essays. I have been drilled on vocabulary and conventions, and I know exactly what NOT to do when writing an AP essay. With anything other than the typical essay, I am dreadfully unexperienced and lost. 
    • Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?
      • I think I am still a bit confused on exactly the requirements of each project and how we are supposed to fulfill them. I realize that we are supposed to discuss a specific topic/ argument, but I am a bit lost on how much liberty we exactly have.
    EDIT: After reading the posts from my fellow students I have realized that procrastination is a fear that exists among most of us, like Malik Bullock. But I also saw that many people, such as Nick Hernandez  are excited to explore new genres. 

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    Investigating Genres: The Video Essay

    dandy. "Youtube!" 2014 via Sketchport.
    Public Domain Dedication Licence

    • What purpose does the genre usually serve?
      • This genre is used to inform and educate the audience on a specific topic that is usually very recent or relevant. The topic can vary from scientific, like a discussion the the recent Ebola epidemic, to social, such as new wave feminism and it's implications, to the political, like the very interesting comments of the new republican candidate Donald Trump.
    • Where, how or in what context do readers usually find this genre?
      • Video essays are usually originally posted on video/content sharing websites such as Youtube or Tumblr.
    • What is the typical audience of this genre?
      • Usually, the audiences on these content sharing site are a much younger generation looking for entertainment. However, when it comes to these specific videos, they are usually observed by students in academia, or people particularly interested in that certain issue or subject. 
    • What are some of the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?
      • This genre uses both audio and visual effects in order to present the issue/ argument in a clearer and interesting light. A simple text or essay does not provide the audio or visual aspect, and a podcast can be hard to follow with only descriptors.
    • Based on your answers to the previous questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre.
      • A video essay is a way to present modern issues or topical arguments through multiple tactics, such as both audio and images. This genre is much more inclusive and interactive then other genres.
    EDIT: After reading through the blogs of my various classmates, I realized that the although I have much knowledge of video essays, I have failed to do the research on the other genres. Their posts, however, provided me with insight into the other genres in concise and informative ways. Specifically, Jason Boely's post on podcasts, and Brady Thomas's post on quick reference guides.

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016

    My Writing Process

    Anonymous, "Procrastination, Srsly!" 02/17/12 via
    Public Domain Dedication

    • What type(s) of writer do you consider yourself to be?
      • I would consider myself to be a combination of a procrastinator and a heavy reviser. I find it much easier to develop my ideas as I write, adding onto whatever I last put down as I go. I find it much more freeing and I am more able to provide thought provoking and intelligent arguments. However, I also often fall victim to procrastination, putting off projects until the last minute. Though the added pressure makes me much more productive, completing the assignment in a single sitting, rather than multiple sittings, which often leads to incoherent ideas and incomplete arguments
    • Does your writing process include several of the above approaches? If so, which ones?
      • Writing and revising only one draft allows me to see the ideas I've already put down, but also allows me to rewrite other ideas in context. In a sense, I can see what other ideas may work with the other sentences already put in the paper. Also, as I mentioned in the previous question, the added pressure of procrastination limits the amount of time between writing sessions, which in turn makes sentences and idea flow much easier.
    • Does your writing process seem successful? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your approach?
      • I think I often have difficulties expressing my ideas in writing, and my habit of procrastination sometimes gets out of hand. Transitioning from larger ideas, paragraph to paragraph, is quite difficult from me, and my process of revising leaves me at a disadvantage because I often fail to see my lack of coherent connection during the process. My habit of procrastination also can get out of hand, and as a result my work falls short of quality. 
    • Do you think it might be beneficial for you to try a different writing approach? Why or why not?
      • I am often frustrated with the results I receive on my papers, and I wish I was better able to transfer the numerous ideas I have in my head to the paper, but I never seem to be able to. I have attempted to change my writing process multiple times, in order to involve more planning and preparation, but I have yet to become less stuck in my ways. I think I have just yet to fully realize the full benefits of a different writing process.