Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

Here is my final cut of the video. I have finished with content creation, and plan to do a few touch ups with editing. Otherwise, I am pretty confident in my project overall.

  • I would like all peer reviewers to know that this is pretty much the final cut of the video. I have inputed all the content I plan to use, however, there are still some editing things that need to be done.
  • I think that there are still some editing issues. For example, there a lot of awkward pauses, however, I am having issues distinguishing between the necessary pauses and the ones that are too long. I would be great if you guys could help by giving your opinions.
  • I think I've included enough evidence that my argument is fully supported. I have multiple quotations as well as a lot of visual evidence. 


  1. Hey, Gabby. I did peer review for your final project this week. I hope this helps you out. Here is the link.

  2. Hi Gabby!

    First of all, I think your cut that you have now is a really good start, but I have a few suggestions for you. First, I think it would benefit the video to have more than just a static image for your intro, especially since I know there's a lot of news footage due to the recent controversy. Also, I do agree with you that there's a couple pauses that could be trimmed down to help the flow of the piece. Also, I think it could be possible to fill some of your talking time with images or footage rather than scrolling text. Hope this helps!

  3. Hi Gabby,

    Overall, this was a great video essay, I hope the following feedback aids in the construction of your final version.

    1. First off, one of the genre conventions of a video essay is to have it highly visual. Yes, you included dozens of pictures in your cut. However, I may suggest changing up the variety of these images. You did really well making the images diverse. But I suggest including some video clips into your video essay. I think this will really help the audience understand the problem at hand.

    2. One convention that I would suggest eliminating is the scrolling quotation you have from the doctor. This makes it seem almost 'Starwarsey' and takes away from the seriousness of the subject.

    3. A convention that you could add into your video essay is background music. This may help make the video seem more alive.

    Other than that, you are doing great.

  4. Hey Gabby! You have a really good video essay! I would suggest some background music or sound effects to maintain the viewers attention. Other than that I think you have a really solid video essay. Good Luck on your final!

  5. Hey Gabby,

    I think that something you could have done to improve your video essay would be to add background music to your work. Other than that, I think that you have a strong argument and a successful video essay.

  6. Hey Gabby,

    I know this is a late peer review.

    Yes, there are a lot of awkward pauses. I think the only long ones that should be included should be where it say "The Problem" "The Aftermath" etc. All the others should flow pretty seamlessly together. Also, more inflection in the voice would improve the video essay and further engage your readers. Like others said above, background music would REALLY help. It adds interest without you having to re-record stuff.

