Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Here is my QRG. I decided to focus on a specific part of my process, procrastination, because it was the one thing that stayed consistant throughout the course. I also decided to look at the idea of positive procrastination through a larger lense by doing research on different studies on the subject.

  1. I would like make sure that my reviewers understand that I am not only reflecting on my writing process and the semester, but also making an argument about the value of procrastination.
  2. I think that some of the phrasing may be a bit awkward, especially towards the end, and I am a bit unsure of my inclusion of images. Do you think that it is too much or too little?
  3. I think I followed the conventions of QRG very well; I have many different sections and pictures as well as multiple links to various studies and sites.

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